15 ianuarie 2010

alta matematica...

Nichita Stănescu
Altă matematică

Noi ştim că unu ori unu fac unu,
dar un inorog ori o pară
nu ştim cât face.
Ştim că cinci fără patru fac unu,
dar un nor fără o corabie
nu ştim cât face.
Ştim, noi ştim că opt
împărţit la opt fac unu,
dar un munte împărţit la o capră
nu ştim cât face.
Ştim că unu plus unu fac doi,
dar eu şi cu tine,
nu Ştim, vai, nu ştim cât facem.

Ah, dar o plapumă
înmulţită cu un iepure
face o roscovană, desigur,
o varză împărţită la un steag
fac un porc,
un cal fără un tramvai
face un înger,
o conopidă plus un ou,
face un astragal...

Numai tu şi cu mine
înmultiţi şi împărţiţi
adunaţi şi scăzuţi
rămânem aceiaşi...

Pieri din mintea mea!
Revino-mi în inimă!

14 ianuarie 2010

"How has the Internet changed the way you think?"

link to the site

Hall's candidate for the most important invention was not the capture of fire, the printing press, the discovery of electricity, or the discovery of the structure of DNA. The most important invention was ... talking. To illustrate the point, he told a story about a group of prehistoric cavemen having a conversation.

"Guess what?" the first man said. "We're talking." Silence. The others looked at him with suspicion.

"What's 'talking'?" a second man asked.

"It's what we're all doing, right now. We're talking!"

"You're crazy," the third man said. "I never heard of such a thing!"

"I'm not crazy," the first man said. "You're crazy. We're talking."

Talking, undoubtedly, was considered innate and natural until the first man rendered it visible by exclaiming, "We're talking."

A new invention has emerged, a code for the collective conscious, which requires a new way of thinking. The collective externalized mind is the mind we all share. The Internet is the infinite oscillation of our collective conscious interacting with itself. It's not about computers. It's not about what it means to be human — in fact it challenges, renders trite, our cherished assumptions on that score. It's about thinking. "We're talking." JOHN BROCKMAN

We have embodied our rationality within our machines and delegated to them many of our choices, and in this process we have created a world that is beyond our own understanding. Our century began on a note of uncertainty, as we worried how our machines would handle the transition to the new millennium. Now we are attending to a financial crisis caused by the banking system miscomputing risks, and a debate on global warming in which experts argue not so much about the data, but about what the computers predict from the data. We have linked our destinies, not only among ourselves across the globe, but with our technology. If the theme of the Enlightenment was independence, our own theme is interdependence. We are now all connected, humans and machines. Welcome to the dawn of the Entanglement.W. DANIEL HILLIS

Visual Artists


As visual artists, we might rephrase the question as something like: How has the Internet changed the way we see?

For the visual artist, seeing is essential to thought. It organizes information and how we develop thoughts and feelings. It's how we connect.

So how has the Internet changed us visually? The changes are subtle yet profound. They did not start with the computer. The changes began with the camera and other film-based media, and the Internet has had an exponential effect on that change.

The result is a leveling of visual information, whereby it all assumes the same characteristics. One loss is a sense of scale. Another is a loss of differentiation between materials, and the process of making. All visual information "looks" the same, with film/photography being the common denominator.

Art objects contain a dynamism based on scale and physicality that produces a somatic response in the viewer. The powerful visual experience of art locates the viewer very precisely as an integrated self within the artist's vision. With the flattening of visual information and the randomness of size inherent in reproduction, the significance of scale is eroded. Visual information becomes based on image alone. Experience is replaced with facsimile.

As admittedly useful as the Internet is, easy access to images of everything and anything creates a false illusion of knowledge and experience. The world pictured as pictures does not deliver the experience of art seen and experienced physically. It is possible for an art-experienced person to "translate" what is seen online, but the experience is necessarily remote.

As John Berger pointed out, the nature of photography is a memory device that allows us to forget. Perhaps something similar can be said about the Internet. In terms of art, the Internet expands the network of reproduction that replaces the way we "know" something. It replaces experience with facsimile.

Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering, NYU-Poly; Principal, Universa Investments; Author, The Black Swan


So I am now on an Internet diet, in order to understand the world a bit better — and make another bet on horrendous mistakes by economic policy makers. I am not entirely deprived of the Internet; this is just a severe diet, with strict rationing. True, technologies are the greatest things in the world, but they have way too monstrous side effects — and ones rarely seen ahead of time. And since spending time in the silence of my library, with little informational pollution, I can feel harmony with my genes; I feel I am growing again.

8 ianuarie 2010

"O scurta istorie a romanilor povestita celor tineri"- Neagu Djuvara

>> Scribd
>> Wikipedia -harti

"Minunata lume noua. Reintoarcere in minunata lume noua "- Aldous Huxley

>> "(...)o utopie neagra despre o lume a terorii, in care civilizatia, dominata de tehnica, devine incompatibila, in ultima instanta, cu individualitatea si libertatea umana. "Salbaticul" adus dintr-o rezervatie din New Mexico in Londra secolului sapte "dupa Ford" este la inceput fascinat de lumea noua pe care o descopera, dar sfarseste prin a se revolta. Andre Maurois definea acest roman drept "o utopie terifianta". Eseul Reintoarcere in minunata lume noua (1959) este un comentariu pe marginea romanului, exprimand aceeasi viziune pesimista asupra existentei, specifica operei tarzii a lui Huxley."

>> "Distopia, intr-o prima acceptiune a sa este o stare patologica a organelor umane care presupune pozitionarea inversa a acestora.
Distopia ca stare patologica este opusul utopiei, o stare ideala.

Operele in care se prezinta o societate contemporana sau din viitor, in care omul este dezumanizat in numele idealurilor umanitatii, idealuri care au suferit schimbari uriase in urma deformarii uneia dintre functiile naturale ale societatii, se numesc distopii.
Etimologic, termenul provine din limba greaca: dys=dificil, topos=loc. Deci, distopia face referire la un loc dificil, in care se impun anumite reguli stricte in numele unui viitor mai bun si mai uman.
In literatura de specialitate se gasesc si alti termeni similari celui de distopie: contrautopie, antiutopie, utopie negativa, utopie pesimista sau utopie satirica.

Distopia este o lume anormala, este o reducere la absurd a omului.
Romanul distopic a aparut mai recent in literatura decat cel utopic. Pot fi enumerati cativa autori care au scris opere distopice: Émile Zola, Jacques Sadoul, Ion Hobana, insa cele mai semnificative distopii sunt aparute nu intamplator in perioada comunista: Aldous Huxley (Minunata lume noua, 1932), George Orwell (O mie noua sute optzeci si patru, 1949), Ray Bradbury (451 grade Fahrenheit), Evgheni Zamiatin (Noi, 1922).

"Minunata lume noua" incepe cu un citat din scriitorul rus Nikolai Berdiaev: "Utopiile sunt realizabile. Viata se indreapta catre utopii. Si poate ca incepe un veac nou, un veac in care intelectualii si patura cultivata vor visa la mijloacele de a evita utopiile si de a reveni la o societate neutopica, mai putin perfecta, dar mai libera."
Mottoul noii societati este: "Comunitate, identitate, stabilitate".
In viziunea autorului, statul are o politica foarte stricta de control demografic si educational. Oamenii, slujitori ai statului, sunt produsi in fabrici, in cantitati determinate si pe categorii calitative, marcate cu literele alfabetului grecesc (Alfa sunt intelectualii care sunt la conducere, Beta sunt tehnicienii calificati, Gama si Delta constituie proletariatul, in timp ce Epsilon nu ating nivelul obisnuit de inteligenta umana), iar educarea lor se realizeaza subliminal si incepe chiar din faza embrionara. Sexul este o sursa de placere nelimitata, atat pentru barbati cat si pentru femei, iar familia nu mai are ca deviza procreerea. Copiii sunt conceputi in eprubete, si sunt crescuti in centre uriase si din aceasta cauza cuvintele "mama", "tata" si "familie" sunt considerate ca fiind rusinoase. Metoda prin care se realizeaza educatia este hipnopedia, adica invatatul in timpul somnului.
Pentru a fi fericiti si in acord total cu ceea ce le ofera statul, oamenii utilizeaza un drog denumit soma, care are un efect euforic.
Exista totusi oameni care nu accepta regulile statului si care traiesc in rezervatii pentru salbatici.
Controlorul Mondial, se preocupa de stabilitatea mondiala si este de parere ca oamenii primesc ceea ce doresc si nu cer ceea ce nu pot primi. Ei sunt sanatosi, si nu se tem de moarte sau de batranete; n-au mama si tata care sa le creeze probleme si nu trebuie sa sufere din dragoste. " (link)