19 ianuarie 2009

Earthship Biotecture

Earthship Biotecture Sustainable

An Earthship is a type of passive solar home made of natural and recycled materials. Designed and marketed by Earthship Biotecture of Taos, NM, the homes are primarily constructed to work autonomously and are generally made of earth-filled tires, utilising thermal mass construction to naturally regulate indoor temperature. They also usually have their own special natural ventilation system. Earthships are a type of off-grid home, which minimizes their reliance on public utilities and fossil fuels.

Earthships are built to utilize the available local resources, especially energy from the sun. For example, windows on the sunny side admit light and heat, and the buildings are often horseshoe-shaped to maximize southern (or northern in the southern hemisphere) sunlight and warmth in the colder months. Likewise, the thick, dense outer walls provide effective insulation against summer heat.
Internal, non-load-bearing walls are often made of a "honey comb" of recycled cans joined by concrete and are referred to as tin can walls. These walls are usually thickly plastered with adobe or stucco.
The roof of an Earthship is heavily insulated - often with earth or adobe - for added energy efficiency.
... more on Wikipedia

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